The different Modules
Here you can find information about the the content of the different modules of the School of Witchcraft.
To finish the school you have to go through the seven modules in ascending order. This means you have to start with module 1 and end with module 7.
Module 1 – Energetic Studies
Feeling and dealing with the energies of the universe is a basic pillar in the life of a witch. Finding the basic trust in yourself and your own abilities is a prerequisite for realizing your full potential and living the witch’s path. In the first module of the School of Witchcraft you will free your mind, your soul and learn to open your senses to the magic of the universe.
Module 2 – Oracles & Tarot
A very simple oracle, the so called „pitch and toss“ game using coins knows really everyone of us. However, in most cases a simple „Yes/No“ decision is too less as an answer for more complex situations. That’s why you will need more complex oracles, like e.g. the Tarot. Module 2 deals, among a lot of other things, with the structure, the development and the effect of different kinds of orcale systems. A large part of it deals with the Tarot and teaches with simple and clear examples how to develop his/her own very effective oracle system.
Module 3 – Natural Sciences I – Stars, Planets & Weather
Nowadays we have already nearly forgotten which power mother nature has, because the individual effects simply concern us only marginally. It’s „only“ the farmer in the valley but not the supermarket round the courner which has been affected. So we will not get a hunger crisis. However, as a witch do not think that way! Cause we know about the powers of nature and use them for our rituals and magical actions. We can read the stars at night and understand how they are connected with us. And of course we know that a damage to nature will be our own at last and so we are keen to reestablish the balance again. Modul 3 deals with the „Upper things“. It explains the basics of astronomy and meteorology in a simple way. During the module you will learn about the context with astrology but also about the limits. It deals with phenomenons of weather, e.g. to be able to determine the perfect time for a magical action, and much more…
Module 4 – Astrology
People tried to e.g. record the frequency of special characteristics of persons who were born at the time when the sun was currently passing the constellation „Taurus“. The main field of astrology is to notice human characteristics to help people at their decisions. Module 4 introduces the topic of astrology, shows its connections to nature and teaches the creation and interpretation of horoscopes.
Module 5 – Natural Sciences 2 – The Gifts of Mother NatureThe second scientific part of the school of witchcraft deals with the „below“, i.e. everything that Mother Nature provides for us, directly around us. We get to know plants and their positive qualities for us humans. We learn to deal with them and to process them for different applications, just in time together with Mother Nature from spring to autumn! Because before you can brew potions, you have to be able to recognize the ingredients – and the local pharmacy simply doesn’t have a lot of of the things you need as a witch! Translated with
Module 6 – Medical sciences for witches
Our thinking is always holistic. That’s why a witch will never only cure a physical symptom, but will always search for the source of a disease, especially in the spiritual and psychological sphere. For only this way someone can be healed completely. Healing, however, happens in very different ways. From outside to inside, from psychologically to physiologically and the other way round. Manually, energetically, by using medical plants etc.
Module 7 – Magic and Rituals
Magic rituals can be developed and used for many different porposes. Most of them are done to increase success, illumination, love and health. Module 7 explains the basics of creating ritual, shows different techniques, deals with the different kinds of effects and guides the student during creating his/her own rituals.
You can registrate yourself anytime. The education can be startet anytime.
Here you can registrate yourself to the modules of the School of Witchcraft .
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The whole education can be completed without any further utilities – themed: „do it youself“ 😉
Nevertheless we thought of offering the most needed things as a service to our students.
Here you can order anything you need during the education.